Tooth loss affects many adults at some point throughout their lives. It can be the result of neglect, or even of physical accidents. When you lose a tooth, it can be a traumatic, life-altering experience that disrupts your lifestyle habits. When you lose a tooth, there are some cases when you can save the original tooth. If the tooth isn’t damaged, your dentist may be able to reinsert the tooth. However, in cases where preservation of the original tooth isn’t possible, you need to choose a dental prosthetic. The good news is, you have options.

If You Suffer an Accident that Causes Tooth Loss, Try to Save the Tooth

There are some cases, especially with physical accidents, where you may be able to save your tooth. If your tooth is in good condition — it isn’t severely broken — your dentist may be able to surgically replace it within your jaw bone. You’ll want to make an emergency call to your dentist and receive care immediately in these cases. Time is of the essence. The quicker that you receive treatment, the more likely it is that your dentist can save your original tooth. If you do end up needing a dental prosthetic, you have some excellent options that address all varieties of tooth loss.

Dental Implants and Bridges Can Address Individual Tooth Loss

If your tooth cannot be saved by your dentist, he or she can offer you a dental prosthetic, like an implant or bridge, to replace the tooth. Dental implants are titanium posts that are surgically placed in your jaw bone to replicate the root structure of your missing tooth. This root simulation makes implants particularly strong and stable as dental prosthetics. Dental bridges can replace one missing tooth, or a series of missing teeth. This prosthetic uses your remaining healthy teeth to hold the replacement tooth or teeth in place.

Dentures Can Address Complex Tooth Loss

There are some cases where patients suffer complex tooth loss. If your tooth loss is significant, it is likely the result of long-term decay. In these cases, you’ll need a dental prosthetic to recover. Dentures can address complex tooth loss by replacing all of the teeth on a dental ridge (the top or bottom of your mouth). Your dentist can also fashion a partial denture to replace select teeth along your dental ridge. This single prosthetic can replace all of your missing teeth, restoring the appearance of your smile, and your ability to eat food comfortably.

Find Prosthetic Dental Options at Cedar Dental

Tooth loss is a frustrating experience, but it’s not the end of the road for your smile. You can effectively replace missing teeth when preservation isn’t possible. Talk to the team at Cedar Dental about your options for a dental prosthetic. Make your prosthetic consultation by contacting Cedar Dental in Cedar Rapids, IA at 319-364-7108.