You often have several different options for addressing specific types of concerns with your teeth and oral health. For many people, however, a dental crown offers an ideal solution for restoring teeth that have been significantly damaged, or that experience severe blemishing on their surfaces. In some cases, dental crowns can even be part of a more lifelike tooth replacement plan along with a root-like dental implant post. Today, we examine some of the more common reasons why people choose dental crowns, and what the right crown can do to restore or replace your tooth with optimal results.

The tooth can’t protect itself anymore

One of the more traditional uses for a custom dental crown is to fortify a tooth that’s been structurally damaged. This could mean that it’s been fractured or broken and in serious threat of being lost, or that the tooth has been worn down and lost some of its structural integrity. In any case, the point is that the tooth becomes weaker and susceptible to suffering more severe damage. With a dental crown, however, your dentist can cap the compromised tooth structure with a restoration that closely mimics the tooth’s size, shape, and appearance, and also protects the tooth from suffering further damage.

To significantly improve the tooth’s appearance

While dental crowns are typically a restorative treatment designed mainly to restore and fortify teeth, modern versions of the popular restoration are often designed to closely mimic the healthy, natural appearance of teeth, as well. They do this through the use of more lifelike and durable materials, such as dental porcelain that can be tined to match a tooth’s unique color, shade, and shine. Given their highly lifelike appearance, dental crowns can often be recommended as cosmetic solutions for improving teeth that are visibly blemished. This may include severe tooth discoloration, issues with the tooth’s shape and symmetry, and more.

Because you’re replacing the tooth with a dental implant

Dental crowns are traditionally designed to restore teeth that are compromised, which helps improve your chances of retaining a tooth and avoiding its loss. However, with modern dental crowns, patients can also benefit from more lifelike and conservative tooth replacement if they lose a tooth, or have to have one extracted. A dental crown can be combined with a biocompatible dental implant post, creating a lifelike replacement for the lost tooth’s root and crown structure.

Learn if you should choose a custom dental crown

More people choose custom-designed dental crowns for their lifelike appearance as well as their ability to restore teeth with several types of damage. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, call Cedar Dental in Cedar Rapids, IA, today at (319) 364-7108.