Do You Need Restoration? A Dental Crown Can HelpMany people think of dental crowns as large metal additions to the smile, ones that are easily noticed and sometimes uncomfortable. Others may believe a crown is primarily used to cap a tooth after a cavity. But crowns are actually far more versatile, and often more esthetically-pleasing than many people think! That’s because modern dental crowns come in a variety of materials designed to fit every smile’s unique needs, both cosmetically and functionally. So if your smile is in need of restorative treatment, here are some key facts to keep in mind, when selecting a dental crown.

Crowns Can Do a Lot for Your Smile

Sure, crowns are commonly used as restorative dentistry, to protect a tooth after a bad cavity. But crowns can actually be used to effectively address a wide variety of dental problems, including:

  1. Chipped or cracked teeth – by bearing the brunt of your chewing, a crown can help prevent worsening of the chip or crack, which could lead to the tooth falling out or requiring extraction.
  2. Post root canal treatment – if a cavity or other damage leads to a tooth infection, root canal treatment may be required to save the tooth. After this procedure, dentists generally recommend crowns as a way to seal the tooth, helping to prevent the possibility of reinfection.
  3. Part of a prosthetic – many people don’t realize that crowns are actually frequently used as part of a prosthetic treatment plan for coping with tooth loss. Crowns can be made to replace a single tooth, or used as part of a dental bridge to anchor a replacement tooth. They can also be used in conjunction with a dental implant, to create a beautiful and natural-looking smile!