Most people hear the word “dentures” and they start to picture an elderly person taking an entire set of teeth out of their mouth. However, dentures aren’t an age-dependent treatment, and they aren’t just for complete tooth replacement. There’s no age restriction for dentures, and in fact, they’re a very useful option for tooth replacement if you’ve suffered any degree of tooth loss. Partial dentures can fit around your remaining teeth to create an appearance that matches your original teeth and smile. This is a great option for recovering from extensive, but incomplete tooth loss. Is it time for you to explore dentures and how they could benefit you?

The Age Association with Dentures Comes from Correlation

The reason we so commonly associate dentures with the elderly is that the longer your life goes on, you’re more likely you are to suffer tooth loss. You only get one set of teeth, and tooth decay is a process. Even if your teeth are healthy now, and you maintain your same home care routine, decay can still aggregate, and you may eventually lose a tooth, or several teeth. If you have lost all of your teeth, dentures can obviously help in this situation too.

Dentures Can Be Combined with Implants to Create a More Stable Solution

While dentures are a good, cost-effective solution for extensive tooth loss, they are not the most stable tooth replacement option. Dental implants provide the best tooth replacement. Metal posts are surgically placed in your jaw bone to recreate the structure of a tooth root. However, this option may not be cost effective for replacing all of your teeth. You can use several implants to support your set of dentures. This better recreates the bite function you had before tooth loss.

Cedar Dental Can Help You Decide on the Right Tooth Replacement Option

When you suffer tooth loss, it can be a frustrating, embarrassing condition. Just know that you have a friend throughout the process. The experts at Cedar Dental are ready to help you recover from tooth loss. Trust Cedar to offer direction on what replacement method is best for you. To make an appointment with the experts at Cedar Dental, contact the office in Cedar Rapids, IA at 319-364-7108.