Could You Be Suffering from Bruxism?Have you ever heard of the term “Bruxism?” Many people have not, which could help to explain why so many people suffer with the condition without ever knowing what it is, much less that they have issues with it. Bruxism is simply the name given to subconscious teeth grinding, an act that cause a host of issues for one’s smile. From cosmetically worn edges, to jaw pain and tooth sensitivity, teeth grinding can create a lot of problems for your smile. Fortunately, if you are suffering from bruxism, your dentist can likely help!

What Are the Warning Signs of Bruxism?

While most people won’t recognize if they are subconsciously grinding their teeth, such as during times of stress or as they sleep, many can recognize the various symptoms of bruxism, which include:

  • Pain along the jawline, due to the excessive grinding
  • Sensitivity in the teeth, or even visible wear along their edges
  • Problems sleeping, or waking up with headaches or neck, jaw or ear pain
  • Difficulty opening the mouth wide, which could also be the result of Temporomandibular Joint problems, which might require TMJ treatment

How Can a Dentist Help?

If your dentist does determine that you are suffering from teeth grinding, there are a number of ways she or he may be able to help. For instance, in some cases an oral appliance similar to the kind of mouthguard worn to protect teeth during athletic events can be helpful. This can prohibit the ability to grind the teeth.

In other cases, the dentist might recommend restorative treatment to help protect teeth that were damaged by months or years of teeth grinding.

Need Bruxism Treatment?

Bruxism treatment can help to eliminate teeth grinding, which can lead to a host of other issues. To schedule bruxism treatment with Cedar Dental in Cedar Rapids, IA, call today at (319) 364-7108.