andersoncleaningWhen was the last time you had your teeth professionally cleaned? The American Dental Association recommends a routine checkup and cleaning at least once every six months. Why do you need dental cleanings? Simply put, this preventive procedure helps protect your smile from a number of serious oral health problems, including tooth decay and gum disease.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Cleanings

Question: When do I need my teeth cleaned?

Answer: We typically recommend the teeth be cleaned twice a year, about once every six months. However, if you happen to have risk factors for gum disease or tooth decay then we may recommend more frequent visits, around every three to four months.

Question: What happens during the procedure?

Answer: The doctor or hygienist will use a manual tool to remove plaque from the surface of your teeth. Afterward, the teeth will be polished. For a deep cleaning the doctor may use an ultrasonic scaler to remove plaque and perform root planing to remove any plaque from the surface of the exposed roots. A deep cleaning is typically recommended to address the early stages of periodontal disease.

Question: What are the benefits of this preventive procedure?

Answer: The procedure can brighten your teeth and freshen your breath. In addition, this procedure is the only way to completely remove plaque. Doing so reduces the risk of both cavities and gum disease. As you can see, this simple preventive technique can safeguard your smile against serious oral health concerns.

Question: Will the doctor examine my smile as well?

Answer: Yes. Using digital x-rays or possibly even an intraoral camera, the doctor will look for signs of developing oral health problems, prescribing treatment if necessary.