Prosthetic dentistry is an incredible field that seeks to restore the appearance and function of teeth to individuals who have suffered tooth loss. While many people have their wisdom teeth removed, and everyone loses a set of teeth as children, there are lots of situations where tooth loss is a real problem. As an adult, you can suffer tooth loss because of bacterial decay, or because of physical accidents. In either case, you want to get your teeth back. Prosthetic dentistry makes this a possibility. In today’s blog, we discuss the capabilities and limits of prosthetic dentistry.

Prosthetic Dentistry Can Replace One or Many Teeth

The prosthetic options available to your dentist are truly incredible. By selecting the right option for your situation, your dentist can effectively replace one or many missing teeth. A dental implant is the ideal way to replace a single missing tooth. If you have suffered extensive tooth loss, dentures may be the best option. Dentures can replace all of the teeth on a dental ridge. Better still, dentures can be held in place by dental implants to make them even stronger. Finding the right prosthetic is about evaluating your individual situation.

Will Your Dental Prosthetic Be Exactly Like Your Natural Tooth?

Your dentist wants to create a prosthetic that comes as close as possible to replicating the appearance and function of your original tooth or teeth. That includes the bite power, chewing surfaces, and color. While your dental prosthetic may never be exactly like your natural tooth, your dentist can come very close! Dental implants recreate the effect of a tooth root, since they’re surgically placed in your jawbone. This makes them strong and durable. Dentures include a gum-colored base to give the entire prosthetic a fluid appearance.

Does Prosthetic Dentistry Prevent Future Oral Health Problems?

If you suffer tooth loss and go through the steps to receive a dental prosthetic, you don’t want to have to revisit the same issues again in the future. So, will your prosthetic prevent future health problems? Actually, dental prosthetics can prevent changes in your bite that result in shifting teeth. In some cases, implants actually fortify the jawbone. Replacing your missing teeth helps prevent future issues, but if your tooth loss is the result of tooth decay, your prosthetic won’t inherently prevent bacteria from developing. You need to care for your dental prosthetics like you would natural teeth.

Cedar Dental Fabricates Dental Prosthetics for Cedar Rapids

Don’t let tooth loss hold you back in life. You can recover and feel great about the appearance of your smile with a dental prosthetic. Cedar Dental provides patients with prosthetic dentistry options that look and feel like natural teeth. Schedule a consultation with Cedar Dental by contacting the Cedar Rapids, IA office at 319-364-7108.