Bounce Back From a Cavity Restorative TreatmentHave you been experiencing sensitivity, especially when enjoying your favorite treats? Do you sometimes suffer from sharp pain? Does it feel isolated to a single tooth? If so, you may be suffering from a cavity. Though no one wants to receive the dreaded dental diagnosis that they have developed a cavity, if you do have one it’s not the end of the world, or even of your smile as you know it. That’s because restorative treatment makes it possible to do more than just cope with a cavity. You can truly bounce back!

When a Filling Is the Answer

In the case of a relatively small cavity, particularly one that has been detected early, a simple restorative treatment will often be sufficient for restoring oral health. In many cases this involves a dental filling. While these were formerly almost exclusively made of metal, modern fillings can also be made of a tooth-colored composite resin. This material bonds well with teeth, and also creates a nearly seamless restoration so you can smile more comfortably and also confidently after a cavity.

Keep in mind that the odds that simple treatment will be sufficient greatly increases the more quickly you seek restorative treatment. So don’t delay a visit to the dentist if you notice signs of trouble, such as grey or black lines or sensitivity.

Could Root Canal Treatment Be Needed?

If you’ve left a cavity untreated, it may have progressed to the point of an infection. If so, root canal treatment may be necessary. While this is a more invasive procedure than a filling, it is favorable to the alternative, an extraction followed by prosthetic treatment.

So don’t let fear keep you from scheduling an appointment which could help restore your smile.