While jaw pain is common, not many patients understand why it occurs, or the fact that it may only get worse if they don’t seek treatment soon. That’s because the most common cause of jaw pain – a condition known as TMJ disorder – can often be difficult to detect due to its wide variety of other symptoms. If you experience chronic jaw pain, headaches, sore facial muscles, or other discomforts related to your bite function, then you should ask your dentist if you may be suffering from TMJ disorder.

What is TMJ disorder?

Jaw pain often originates within your jaw’s joints, known as the temporomandibular joints (or TMJs). Your lower jaw opens, closes, and pivots on these joints, and when one or both of them are damaged, the resulting dysfunction can make it difficult and painful to open and close your bite. Known as TMJ disorder, this damage is often caused by excessive or uneven bite pressure.

What causes the dysfunction?

Another reason why TMJ disorder is often difficult to diagnose is because it can be caused by a wide range of different factors. For instance, being overly stressed out can cause your jaw muscles to become overactive, exhausting your TMJs. If your teeth are misaligned, then they may also lead to uneven bite pressure that can lead to or exacerbate TMJ disorder.

How can my dentist treat it?

Because the causes of TMJ disorder differ, so does effective treatment. To diagnose your condition, your dentist will perform a thorough examination to gauge the alignment and function of your bite. In many cases, TMJ disorder can be alleviated with a custom-designed appliance that helps your jaw rest comfortably so the joints can recuperate.

Relieve Jaw Pain with TMJ Treatment

If you suffer from chronic jaw pain, then customized TMJ disorder treatment may be the only way to relieve it for good. To learn more, schedule a consultation by calling Cedar Dental in Cedar Rapids, IA, today at (319) 364-7108. We also welcome patients from Mount Vernon, Iowa City, Hiawatha, and all nearby communities.