How Can You Better Protect Your Smile?Are you wondering if there is anything more you can do, in 2017, to help prevent cavities, bad breath and other dental troubles? If you have suffered from cavities in the past, much less painful tooth infections, then you already know all too well how important it is to care for your smile. That said, are you really taking all the steps you can to best protect your precious pearly whites? Preventive dental care is not complicated. It should simply include a healthy diet, regular dental hygiene, and routine professional dental visits!

Drink More Water

One surprisingly simple way to better protect your smile is by drinking water throughout each day. Water can help to gently rinse teeth clean after meals and snacks, in between brushings. Furthermore, it also helps the body produce saliva, which is a natural form of defense against plaque buildup. So, rather than reaching for soda or any other sweetened or acidic beverage, why not grab a glass of water, instead? Your body and your smile will benefit from the switch to this healthier choice.

Eat Fresh Foods and Avoid Sugary Ones

When it comes to their diet, most people think about obvious sweets when trying to cut out sugar, in order to lose weight. But what they may not realize is that sugar can also be detrimental to their dental health. That’s because the bacteria in the mouth rely on sugars for energy. Therefore, the more you consume the more likely you are to struggle with unsightly tartar buildup.

To protect your smile, and your waistline, read the food labels before buying any packaged goods, and get in the habit of avoiding those that list sugar as one of the leading ingredients.

Whenever possible, fresh produce is the healthiest choice for your smile!

Brush and Floss, Daily, and See Your Dentist Regularly

Of course, regular dental hygiene is also key to keeping the smile healthy. This should include twice daily brushing, for approximately two minutes each time, as well as daily flossing.

Just make sure you are also seeing your dentist at least twice a year for professional checkups and cleanings. These appointments are an important way to prevent cavities and other dental problems, which can be caused when plaque is allowed to remain calcified on the teeth.

Are You Overdue for a Checkup or Cleaning?

Regular preventive dental appointments are one of the best ways to protect your smile.. You can schedule a checkup and cleaning, today, by calling Cedar Dental in Cedar Rapids, IA, at (319) 364-7108.