Bounce Back from a CavityNo one wants to hear the dreaded word, “cavity,” when visiting the dentist. But what most people don’t realize is that a cavity diagnosis doesn’t mean the end of your beautiful smile. In most cases, simple treatment like a dental filling is enough to restore your tooth, so you can get back to chewing comfortably and smiling confidently. Just don’t delay treatment if you’re worried about a cavity, because the sooner you seek restorative treatment the more likely the dentist will be able to save that damaged tooth!

Know the Warning Signs of a Cavity

Most patients exhibit at least one of the following warning signs when experiencing a cavity:

  • Grey or dark lines, particularly along the crevices of a tooth or teeth
  • Sensitivity, discomfort or pain, especially if it feels isolated to a single tooth
  • Discoloration, including overly white patches, which could be the layer beneath the teeth’s enamel being exposed

What to Do If You Have a Problem

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, schedule a dental appointment as soon as possible. The quicker you receive a diagnosis, the more likely simple treatment like a filling will be an effective way to restore the tooth. On the other hand, the longer you delay treatment, the more likely you are to develop an infection within the damaged tooth, which can require more extensive root canal treatment, or possibly even an extraction.

Most restorative dentists now offer a variety of dental fillings, too, providing patients with the opportunity to choose a strong metal restoration for back teeth or a more esthetically pleasing tooth-colored option for more visible teeth, and/or those that receive less wear.