Dental Cavity? Restorative Treatment OptionsAre you tired of letting dental discomfort keep you from enjoying many of your favorite activities? From slowly savoring a hot cup of coffee in the morning, before work, to enjoying a decadent dessert with friends on a Friday night, cavities can take the fun right out of what used to be beloved rituals. Sadly, cavities are incredibly common, and many people suffer with them in silence. Fortunately, your restorative dentist offers a way to rebound from dental decay, through the use of restorative treatments like fillings and crowns. So instead of making do with a smile that no longer works for you, or letting discomfort hold you back from enjoying time with friends – and your favorite foods – why not talk to your dentist about how you improve your oral health, and comfort, after a cavity has been detected!

Warning Signs There Could Be a Cavity

Many patients exhibit a host of warning signs that they could be struggling with a dental cavity, though not all recognize these as indications of trouble. Some of the most commonly experienced symptoms of cavities include:

  • Grey or black lines appearing, especially in the crevices of teeth
  • White patches, which could indicate the sensitive layer beneath the teeth’s enamel has become exposed
  • Sensitivity or discomfort, particularly when trying to enjoy hot or cold foods or drinks, or those high in sugar

Ways a Dentist Can Help Restore Your Smile

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, particularly if it has been more than six months since your last dental checkup, it is wise to schedule a visit with your dentist. Prompt restorative treatment is the only way to stop dental decay, once it has started, and to restore the oral health.

In many cases, a simple filling can help protect a tooth after a cavity. However, if the cavity has progressed, a dental crown may be a better restorative solution. Both fillings and crowns help to seal exposed portions of the teeth, helping to prevent further erosion and even infection. These treatments can also improve a patient’s comfort while eating!