Are You Caring for Your Teeth and Gums?Forming great dental habits can help set you up for a lifetime of enjoying good oral health, which can allow you to smile confidently and chew comfortably. Dental checkups and cleanings are crucial to maintaining good oral health, but so is daily dental hygiene. While many people consistently brush their teeth daily, only approximately 30 percent of people claim to floss daily, and nearly 30 percent admit to failing to floss at all. If you want to keep both your teeth and your gums healthy, it is wise to develop an excellent dental hygiene routine including daily flossing!

How Do You Floss Properly?

It takes approximately 18 inches of floss to properly clean between each of your teeth. Proper technique involves wrapping the bulk of the floss around each of your middle fingers, and holding the rest tautly between thumbs and forefingers, then slowly guiding the floss between each of your teeth.

Keep the floss pressed gently against the sides of your teeth, and move the floss up and down. Then move to the adjacent tooth and repeat the process.

Why Dental Hygiene and Preventive Care Is Key

Since plaque bacteria are often a major culprit in the development and progression of gum disease as well as cavities, preventing plaque buildup is essential to maintaining your oral health. Regular dental exams and cleanings can help eliminate any plaque that has calcified onto the teeth,, helping to prevent dental issues.

However if you are currently struggling with gum disease, periodontal cleanings may also be necessary. These are a deep cleaning that help to break up calcified tartar deposits.